Online resources

The library gives you online access to movies, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers

As a registered loaner at Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker you have access to a wealth of online resources. You can borrow ebooks and audiobooks at eReolen (head over to eReolen Global for books in English), stream movies at Filmstriben, read newspapers using PressReader, download magazines from RBdigital. For movies in other foreign languages than English, check out The World Library. If you're looking for scholarly ebooks in English then Ebook Central and Oxford Scholarship Online may be good places to start.

Most of the online resources are indexed on this site, so you can use's search function to find both movies, ebooks and newspapers.

Some of these resources are only available for people living in Aarhus. For this reason you may be prompted to log in using your library credentials.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact a librarian or send us an email using this form.